Y. Matsukawa, R. Araki and T. Tsukahara, "Flow state transition process and oblique pattern of Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow at a medium cylinder ratio," 10th International Union for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Symposium on Laminar–Turbulent Transition (IUTAM Transition 2024), Nagano (Japan), 2–6th Sep. (2024), Poster presentation, P34, 2 pages. [Web Page] New!!
Y. Matsukawa, R. Araki and T. Tsukahara, "Flow state transition of mixed convection in vertical channel with horizontal pressure gradient," 13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP13), Montreal (Canada), 25–28th June (2024), Poster presentation, 4 pages. [Web Page]
Y. Matsukawa and T. Tsukahara, "Parameter dependence of switching between supercritical and subcritical turbulent transitions in inner-cylinder rotating Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow," 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT2023), Rome (Italy), 11–15th Sep. (2023), 5.1, 7 pages. [Web Page]
Y. Matsukawa and T. Tsukahara, "Different flow state transition processes of Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow based on Taylor vortex," 22nd International Couette–Taylor Workshop (ICTW2023), Barcelona (Spain), 28–30th June (2023), 1 page. [Web Page]
Y. Matsukawa and T. Tsukahara, "Direct numerical simulations of Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flows at high radius ratios: classification of flow state transition processes," The 67th Workshop on Investigation and Control of Transition to Turbulence, Kanagawa (Japan), 29, 30th Mar. (2023).
Y. Matsukawa and T. Tsukahara, "Different transition processes of Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow based on modulated wavy Taylor vortex," 9th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (AJWTF2022), Utsunomiya (Japan), 27–30th Nov. (2022), 4028, 5 pages. [Web Page]
Y. Matsukawa and T. Tsukahara, "Laminarization in subcritical Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow with increasing pressure gradient," Nineteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2022), Sendai (Japan), 9–11th Nov. (2022), OS15-10, 4 pages. [Web Page]
T. Tsukahara, C. Izumi, Y. Matsukawa and K. Takeda, "Patterning of turbulent natural convection in vertical channel," The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT2021), Qingdao (China, online), 23–26th Sep. (2021), ASCHT2021-041.
Y. Matsukawa and T. Tsukahara, "Subcritical transition of Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow," The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT2021), Qingdao (China, online), 23–26th Sep. (2021), ASCHT2021-241, 6 pages, Best Paper Award.
Y. Matsukawa and T. Tsukahara, "Occurrence and disappearance of localized turbulence in Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow", 21st International Couette–Taylor Workshop (ICTW2021), Netherlands (online), 5–9th July (2021), Talk 17, 1 page. [Web Page]